i know i am not the most athletic person on the planet but switching my set up from 46x16 to 46x18 was like turning a slow jog into a sprint with little effort. i also threw on a 46x17 freewheel for a bit of variety. i thought i was incompetent before, not being able to skid without my knees buckling, or even worse, having to fucking get off my bike when going up certain hills. all along it was just two extra teeth that i needed to give me that glide. living in a city like seattle, i feel that a set up like this is necessary. honestly, i would much rather pedal then struggle and i feel like i have much more control. if you feel that you are struggling i suggest you re-evaluate what your ratio is. amongst other things that could be the issue, this simple change is like night and day and changing my cog was no big deal. luckily, i had help from the boys over at beef city
(open mondays, 2111 E. Union) and i quickly learned that without the right tools one can be lost in the dark. its amazing how many random tools there are for bicycles that are only used for one purpose. i can see how they charge up the ass for maintenance at any bike shop but its really not as difficult as they would like you to think. if you have friends that are knowledgeable on the subject then i highly suggest you spend an afternoon with them and utilize it. i know it will save me lots of time and money in the future.